Don Mckee - Performance Consultant

DMC Consulting

"Making common sense, common practice"
work with me

leading by managing performance!

what is performance management?

Performance management is designed to solve problems rather than blame. Performance managers look for ways to identify why employees aren’t performing and more importantly how to correct it and coach the employee so it does not occur again. Unfortunately today a lot of managers will label performance problems as attitude, communication, motivation or personality conflicts rather than investigating deeper to determine what specifically is affecting performance. Statements such as” He has a real attitude problem, or Joe needs to be more motivated” only label employee but does nothing to correct performance.

Why use performance management?

Increased frustration, feeling of no control and the belief that employees don’t care are several of the issues facing companies today. Many managers and supervisors are promoted due to their skill and experience at operations, however struggle with day to day employee issues. High supervisor turnover and low morale are signs and symptoms of this.

Performance managers are skilled at defining clear measurable expectations and equally skilled at holding employees responsible to meet these expectations.

Performance management is also empowerment leadership; it provides the expectations, tools, rewards and accountability which enable employees to perform. Once employees know what they are expected to do it is up to them to perform.

How do I get started?

For more information or to get started contact:

Don McKee,
Performance Consultant
515-451-2093 Cell

unlock your performance

empowerment leadership training

becoming a leader

the supervisor's job

communication skills

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